
How far along // 36 weeks; baby’s the size of a head of romain lettuce; 18 1/2 in + 6 lbs (!!!) – almost ready for her arrival!

Total weight gain // 25 lbs

Maternity clothes // yes, yes + yes. a sweet friend let me borrow some summery maternity clothes to get me through these next few weeks; thanks Kelly!

Sleep // very rough. but I keep reminding myself that in a few weeks sleep will be almost non-existent when ems gets here. yikes!

Best moments this week // Micah came down with a terrible cold at the end of last week so it’s been a pretty difficult week to be honest. Really praying he gets well soon and that we can all stay healthy for baby girl’s arrival. Some highlights: Mother’s Day, sushi date night with hubs, and feeling so blessed and honored to be apart of our church family- we seriously get to do life with the most selfless + generous people i’ve ever met; so humbling!

Movement // ohhhh yeahhh. Sometimes I think she’s doing karate in there!
Missing anything? // having a healthy little boy… so often I take these things for granted.

Cravings // Mornings: eggs + toast. Night time (okay, all day really): coffee flavored ice cream with chocolate syrup… Is it considered healthy if I buy the organic chocolate syrup? For what it’s worth, I do ; )

Anything making you sick or queasy // this heat is out. of. control. So so so thankful for our portable AC!

Labor Signs // one word: contractions! Braxton Hicks are a happenin. Nothing consistent though- just here & there
Symptoms // throbbing legs and feet, lots and lots of lower abdominal achy-ness, and tons of back pain… hurry little one!
Belly button – in or out? // outie
Wedding rings- on or off? // on!
Looking forward to // finishing up the kids’ nursery; our 3 year wedding anniversary on Wednesday!! and the massages (prenatal for me! yay!) and yummy dinner we’re getting on Thursday night to celebrate 3 years!!

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